Women of the Moose Chapter 1335


WOTM Senior Regent 

- Patty Bryant

WOTM Secretary

- Darlene Allen

WOTM Treasurer 

- Fran Wade

WOTM Junior Past Regent 

- Heather Wade


Fraternal Activities - 

     Tina Knowl

Mooseheart / Moosehaven -

     Niki Mejia

Membership Retention - 

     Jennifer Neighbors

Higher Degree - 

     Kim Viar

Community Service - 

     to be announced


     Alice Jones

Audit Committee:

     Edie Baldwin – Chairperson


posted 9/19/2024

Congratulations to the Lynchburg WOTM Chapter 1335 on taking 3rd Place Winner out of 12 teams from across Virginia in the 6th Annual Virginia Moose Association Chili Cook-Off this past Saturday, September 14, 2024.

Many thanks to Heather Wade for her special recipe which brought the Trophy Home to Lynchburg Chapter 1335

posted 7/02/2024

Congratulations Lynchburg Women of the Moose Chapter #1335 on earning the Award of Achievement!!!

A Chapter #1335 sister will be receiving her Golden Gavel.

posted 3/22/2023

The Women of the Moose, established in 1913, is a unit of Moose International. Our members work in harmony with the members of the Moose to provide a helping hand to those in need.

Our members dedicate countless volunteer hours each year to over 1,400 Chapters across the United States and Canada as well as their communities. More importantly, the Women of the Moose is one of the largest contributors to the support and maintenance of Mooseheart Child City and School and Moosehaven Retirement care facility. On an annual basis, the Women of the Moose throughout the fraternity donate more than one million dollars to support programs and activities at these two campuses.

The Women of the Moose provides social, educational and community service opportunities to its members, as well as sporting events and activities geared toward the entire family. Our members are enthusiastic; they bring a special passion and commitment to the Moose fraternity. But don’t think the Women of the Moose are all work and no play – they also bring a unique brand of fun and energy to their meetings and functions.

WOTM Chapter 1335 meetings are regularly scheduled for the 3rd Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm.